Regulations governing the commission's procedure for certification of “Forensic Chemist GTFCh“

Appendix 2 of Postgraduate Professional Education Regulations “Forensic Chemist GTFCh“

Regulations governing the certification commission's procedure for the “Forensic Chemist GTFCh“

1.       The commission chooses a chairman and vice chairman from among their members.
2.         The chairman of the commission is responsible for the opening and processing of of the admission procedure and for the ongoing correspondence with the applicant. He conducts the commission meetings. Should he be prevented for any reasons, this task will be assumed by his deputy.
3.         The procedure for admission consists of the following sections:
3.1      Registration of application receipt and pre-assessment of submitted documents by the president of the GTFCh who immediately passes them on to the chairman of the commission after positive pre-assessment. The procedure is opened after receipt of the handling fee the level of which is set by the executive committee and published on the GTFCh's homepage.
3.2      The chairman of the commission immediately informs the applicant and all members of the commission of the opening of the procedure. He appoints three commission members as evaluators and passes the documents on to the evaluators simultaneously.
3.3      Each evaluator examines the requirements for obtaining the professional title and within six weeks submits a written statement. Should this time limit be exceeded, the chairman of the commission reclaims the documents and appoints another commission member as evaluator.
3.4      Should the evaluators' statements be consistently negative, the chairman of the commission informs the executive committee of the main grounds for refusal and makes a suggestion on the further cause of action. Should evaluators find that certain documents of proof are missing, the chairman of the commission prompts the applicant to hand in these documents within a period of four weeks, and subsequently submits these documents to the evaluators requesting re-evaluation. Should the statements not be in agreement, the chairman of the commission must discuss the matter with all commission members and inform the president of the GTFCh within four weeks in writing on the result. The executive committee decides on the further course of action.
3.5      After the executive committee has come to a positive decision, the chairman of the commission assembles the examination board according to examination regulations (app. 3). He immediately informs the applicant of the executive committee's decision on certificaton and formation of the examination board in writing and schedules the date of examination in liaison with the applicant. Examination should be held within three months after payment of examination fee.
3.6      After the examination, the chairman of the commission receives the examination protocol compiled by the examination board and informs the GTFCh president of the result.
3.7      The chairman of the commission is responsible for archival storage of electronic documents as well as documents submitted in writing (evaluators' statements, examination documents etc.) after finalisation of the procedure by the GTFCh office.

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