XXIII. Symposium der GTFCh, 30.3. - 01. April 2023 in Mosbach
GTFCh Programm (Download des Programms im PDF-Format)
Tagungspräsidentin: Hilke Andresen Streichert
Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Universitätsklinikum, Köln
Wissenschaftliches Komitee:
Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Köln
Katharina Rentsch, Universitätsspital, Basel (Schweiz)
Katja Schulz, Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Technische Universität Dresden
Gisela Skopp, Forensisch Toxikologisches Centrum GmbH, München
Tagungszentrum: Alte Mälzerei, Alte Bergsteige 7, Mosbach (Baden), e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023
20:00 Uhr Mittwochsvortrag für die Mosbacher Öffentlichkeit
„Den Tätern auf der Spur - was macht eigentlich die Kriminaltechnik?“
Dr. Andrea Jacobsen-Bauer, Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023
12:00 Uhr Young Scientists - Treffen / Meeting of young scientists
Treffpunkt der Doktoranden/innen und jungen Wissenschaftler/innen in der Alten Mälzerei, Hopfenkeller, Ende: 13:30 Uhr
Vergiftungen mit (Schwer-)Metallen - immer noch ein wichtiges Thema für die Toxikologie!
14:00 Uhr Eröffnung und Begrüßung / Opening and welcome
Kuren, Kunst und Kapitalverbrechen - Arsen und seine Zwischenwelten
Prof. Dr. Bettina Wahrig, Abteilung für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technische Universität, Braunschweig
Schwermetallanalytik in der Kriminaltechnik
Dorothee Krafft, Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
Kaffeepause / Coffee break
Vergiftungen durch Schwermetallverbindungen - selten, nie harmlos
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zilker, Technische Universität, München
Nachweis von Schwermetall-Vergiftungen mit ICP-MS in ungewöhnlichen Matrices - Einführung in ein komplexes Thema
Dr. Manfred Gimbel, Landeskriminalamt Bayern, München
18:00 Uhr Sitzungsende / End of session
Freitag, den 31. März 2023
XXIII. GTFCH-Symposium
09:00 Uhr Eröffnung des Symposiums und Grußworte / Opening of the symposium and welcome speeches
09:10 Uhr Vorträge: Toxikokinetics / Oral presentations: Toxicokinetics
V01 Andrea E. Steuer, Francesco Bavato, Laura K. Schnider, Dario A. Dornbierer, Oliver G. Bosch, Boris B. Quednow, Erich Seifritz, Christian Steuer, Thomas Kraemer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Prolonged GHB detection? - Urinary concentrations of GHB and its amino acid and carnitine conjugates following controlled GHB administration to humans
V02 Moritz Losacker, Marica Hundertmark, Siegfried Zörntlein, Jörg Röhrich, Cornelius Hess, Mainz, Bad Salzuflen, Mönchengladbach
Chiral pharmacokinetics of tetramisole stereoisomers - Enantioselective quantification of levamisole and dexamisole in serum samples from users of adulterated cocaine
V03 Marica Hundertmark, Cornelius Hess, Jörg Röhrich, Cora Wunder, Moritz Losacker, Mainz, Mönchengladbach, Bad Salzuflen
Analysis of tetramisole metabolites - Is "Aminorex" found in forensic samples of cocaine users actually 4-phenyl-2-imidazolidinone?
V04 Hannes Max Schwelm, Matthias Persson, Max Vincent Huß, Bededikt Pulver, Henrik Green, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Linköping (Schweden), Kiel
Pharmacological profile and phase I metabolism of the new synthetic cathinone 3,4-PrPipVP
V05 Benedikt Pulver, Volker Auwärter, Folker Westphal, Freiburg, Kiel
Pharmacological evaluation of recently detected synthetic cannabinoids
V06 Volker Auwärter, Renate Oßwald, Julia Kaudewitz, Freiburg
Detectability of hexahydrocannabinol in urine after a single vaped dose of a mixture of the (9R) and the (9S) diastereomers
V07 Annette Zschiesche, Martin Scheu, Bededikt Pulver, Detelf Thieme, Annekathrin M. Keiler, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Kiel, Kreischa, Dresden
CH-PIATA - in vitro metabolism and basic pharmacological characterisation of a newly emerged synthetic cannabinoid featuring an acetamide linker
V08 Lea Wagmann, Jana H. Schmitt, Tanja M. Gampfer, Simon D. Brandt, Keneth Scott, Pierce V. Kavanagh, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar), Liverpool (England), Dublin (Irland)
A comparative study using reversed phase and zwitterionic chromatography to investigate the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of five cathinone-derived compounds containing a selenophene group
V09 Pietro Brunetti, Arianna Giorgetti, Hannes Max Schwelm, Belal Haschimi, Francesco Paolo Busardo, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Ancona (Italien), Bologna (Italien)
In vitro and in vivo human metabolism of AP 238: A recently emerged acylpiperazine opioid
11:00 Uhr Kaffeepause / Coffee break
11:30 Uhr Vorträge: Neues aus der Kriminaltechnik, Fallberichte / Oral presentations: News from forensic science, case reports
V10 Maximilian Greif, Tobias Frömel, Stephan Wagner, Michael Pütz
Employment of a SICRIT-QToF method für rapid assessment of samples from clandestine synthetic drug laboratories
V11 Fabian Frankenfeld, Cathy M. Jacobs, Lea Wagman, Markus R. Mayer, Homburg (Saar)
Towards the analysis of drugs of abuse and cognitive enhancers in wastewater - Method developement
V12 Manuela Monti, Eva Scheuer, Konrad Koch, Götz Schlotterbeck Basel (Schweiz)
Applicaton of gas chromatography coupled to infrared spectroscopy in the scope of forensic chemistry and drug checking
V13 Benedikt Pulver, Jan Riedel, Folker Westphal, Steven Luhn, Torsten Schönberger, Jan Schäper, Volker Auwärter, Anton Luf, Michael Pütz, Kiel, Freiburg, Wiesbaden, München, Wien (Österreich)
A new synthetic cathinone: 3,4-EtPV or 3,4 Pr-PipVP? An unsuccessful attempt to circumvent the German legislation on new psychoactive substances
V14 Martin Scheu, Benedikt Pulver, Pietro Brunetti, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Kiel, Ancona (Italien)
Pharmakologie of SCRAs: how important is the effect of the side chain moiety?
V15 Christian Bissig, Markus Schläpfer, Christian Bogdal, Zürich (Schweiz)
Extraktion of low-THC hemp and conversion to THC - situation in Swizerland
12:40 Uhr Mittagspause / Lunch break
13:20 Uhr Posterausstellung mit Kaffeetheke / Poster session and coffee bar
P01 Annika Nebel, Florian Viet, Cornelius Heß, Geert Mayer, Walter Martz, Gießen
Analysis of GHB related acids and GHB-sulfate in hair
P02 Jennifer Liut, Burhard Madea, Dirk Laux, Arne Lützen, Cornelius Heß, Michael Krämer, Bonn, Mönchengladbach
Quantification of 4-palmitoyloxy butyrate in whole blood and inital evaluation as potential biomarker after y-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) intake
P03 Jana Kietzerow, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Benjamin Otto, Mario Thevis, Hilke Andresen-streichert, Köln, Hamburg
Analysis of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in post-mortem femoral blood - does the method matter?
P04 Matthias Bantle, Frederike Stöth, Wolfgang Weinmann, Bern (Schweiz)
Updates on phosphatidylethanol in routine analysis
P05 Jeremai Hose, Stella Sieger, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Köln
The use of alcohol markers in German liver transplantation centres
P06 Selina Gutermuth, Gertrud Morlock, Annika Nebel, Walter Martz, Florian Veit, Gießen
Congener alcohols in alcoholic mixed drinks and corresponding spirits
P07 Marcel Grapp, Christoph Kaufmann, Hannes M. Schwelm, Merja A. Neukamm. Göttingen, Freiburg
Toxicological investigation of 29 cases associated with the synthetic cathinone alpha-pyrrolidinohexiophenone (alpha-PHP) and identification of phase I and II metabolites in human urine
P08 Marcel Grapp, Christoph Kaufmann, Hannes M. Schwelm, Merja A. Neukamm, Göttingen, Freiburg
Toxicological investigation of nine cases associated with the synthetic cathinone 3',4'-methylenedioxy-alpha-pyrrolidinohexiophenone (MDPHP) and studies on its human metabolism
P09 Nadine Thoefel, Claus Kramer, Petra Gumz, Michael Tsokos, Stefan Scholtis, Berlin
Screening post mortem urine sample for LSD: a summary of case report
P10 Gertrud Rochholz, Magdalene Eckner, Yvan Gaillard, Johanna Preuß-Wössner, Kiel, La Voulte sur Rhone (Frankreich)
Chili con carne spiced with seed of the Verberus tree - an almost perfect murder attempt
P11 Saskia Jung, Frederike Nordmeier, Annika Basner, Juliane Wolf, Johanna Preuß-Wössner, Kiel
Clozapine-induced paralytic ileus: An underestimated problem?
P12 Helena Fels, Simon Franz, Torsten Dame, Giesela Skopp, Frank Musshoff, München
Intoxikation with the methaqualone analog SL-164 - a case report
P13 Merja Neukamm, Vanessa Thoma, Susanne Vogt, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg
Death by aspiration after consumption of the hallucinogen dipropyltryptamine (DPT) a case report
P14 Florian Thieme, Julia Rohwer, Gertrud Rochholz, Johanna Preuß-Wössner, Kiel
A case of ethylene glycol poisoning with fatal outcome
P15 Alexander Müller, Hilke Junge, Anne Szewczyk, Julian Bickel, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Hamburg
Benzoylecgonine in urine after legal alcohol consumption
P16 Maria Seiffert, Stefan Lierheimer, michael Böttcher, Dessau-Roßlau
Concentration ranges of hydromorphone and codeine in urine samples from heroin addicts in substitution therapy with morphine
P17 Simon Franz, Gisela Skopp, Frank Mußhoff, München
Distribution of cannabinoid concentrations in more than 7000 serum samples with particular attention on CBD, 7-OH-CBD and 7-COOH-CBD
P18 Julia Krüger, Frank Mußhoff, giesela Skopp, München
Driving under the influence of THC - raising the limit?
P19 Aleksander Nikolic, Martin Jübner, Lina Lucuta, Markus A. Rotschild, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Köln
Which consequences will occur after increasing the threshold of THC according to §24a StVG? An exemplary evaluation of the routine cases of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Cologne
P20 Jamie York, Justin Steimling, Connor Flannery, Sandra Ruiz Perez, Bellefonte (Penssylvania, USA)
Consolidating LC-MS/MS method conditions for the analysis of alcohol metabolites, barbiturates and drugs of abuse
P21 Shun-Hsin Liang, Frances Carrol, Ravali Alagandula, Sue Steinike, Justin Steimling, Sandra Ruiz Perez, Bellafonte (Pennsylvania, USA)
Quantitative analysis of 58 antipsycotics and antidepressants in human urine by LC-MS/MS
P22 Francois Espourteille, Rafaela Martin, Zoltan Czentnar, Andrea Kiehne, Carsten Baessmann, Billerica (Massachusetts, USA), Bremen
A fast and novel urine toxicology screening method using DART-MSMS
P23 Frank Sporkert, Francoise Nicoud, Timothee Joye, Marc Augsburger, Lausanne-Genf (Schweiz)
Micro tissue screening by LC-HRMS
P24 Melinda Ulrich, Jamie York, John Garrett, chris Nelson, Tim Yosca, Justin Steimling, Sandra Ruiz Perez, Bellefonte (Pennsylvania, USA)
The developement of a virtual liquid chromatography method developement tool
P25 Benedikt Pulver, Svenja Fischmann, Rachel Christie, Ana Gallegos, Kiel, Lissabon (Portugal)
EMCDDA framework and practical guidance for naming synthetic cannabinoids
P26 Benedikt Pulver, Svenja Fischmann, Folker Westphal, Michael Pütz, Kiel
5,5 years ADEBAR project for substance identification and analytical data provision
Kaffeepause / Coffee break
14:15 Uhr Vorträge: Toxikokinetik / Oral presentations: Toxicokinetics
V16 Aline C. Vollmer, Thomas P. Bambauer, Lea Wagmann, Candace S. Bever, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar)
Fast and simple detection of amatoxins in urine? - comparison of a lateral flow immunoassay with LC-HRMS/MS analysis
V17 Selina Hemmer, Lea Wagmann, Bededikt Pulver, Folker Westphal, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar), Kiel
LC-HRMS workflows for untargeted toxicometabolomics - An example using the synthetic cathinone PCYP
V18 Christoph Wiedfeld, Gisela Skopp, Frank Musshoff, München
Single hair analysis for GHB - Development, validation, and application of an LC-MS/MS method
V19 Milena M. Madry, Markus R. Baumgartner, Thomas Kraemer, Tina M. Binz, Zürich (Schweiz)
The power of chiral amphetamine analysis in hair for forensic and clinical purposes
V20 Anne Szewczyk, Hilke Jungen, Alexander Müller, Julian Bickel, Benjamin Ondruschka, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Hamburg
Establishing a quantitaitve method of cocaine and its metabolites in hair via LC-MS/MS
V21 Max Polke, Markus R. Baumgartner, Thomas Kraemer, Tina M. Binz, Zürich (Schweiz)
Hair analysis: a tool to assess the prevalence of designer opioids among Swiss drug users
V22 Tom Dario Schneider, Thomas Kraemer, Tina M Binz, Andrea E. Steuer, Zürich
What can proteomics tell us about the integrity of human hair samples?
15:45 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung / Business meeting
17:30 Uhr Ende der Mitgliederversammlung / End of the business meeting
19:00 Uhr Festabend mit Verleihung des Jean-Servais-Stas-Preises und des Förderpreises für junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler / Congress ceremony and dinner – Presentation of the 2023 laureate of the Jean-Servais-Stas award and of the winner of the GTFCh Young Scientists award
Festvortrag / Lecture
Prof. Dr. Markus Rothschild, Köln: "Bilder lügen nicht: eine rechtsmedizinische Filmanalyse"
23:00 Uhr After Dinner Party (Hopfenkeller der Alten Mälzerei)
Samstag, 01. April 2023
9:00 Uhr Vorträge: Alternative Matrices, analytische Strategien und freie Themen / Oral presentations: Alternative matrices, analytical strategies communicatons in forensic chemistry and toxicology
V23 Jennifer Liut, Urlich Bott, Burkhard Madea, Michael Krämer, Alexandra Maas, Bonn Duisburg
Effects on the performance of on-site drug tests in case of an increase in the analytical limit value for delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
V24 Lan Gao, Stefan Lierheimer, Felix Baumgart, Michael Böttcher, Dessau-Roßlau
Drugs of abuse testing in meconium - analytical strategy and results
V25 Cathy M. Jacobs, Lea Wagmann, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar)
Developement of an LC-HRMS based approach for adherence monitoring of breast cancer medicaton in four different matrices
V26 Belal Haschimi, Florian Willecke, Stephan Mundinger, Wolfgang Hüttel, Henning Jessen, Michael Müller, Volker Auwärter, Freiburg, Allschwil (Schweiz)
Enzymatic defluorination of a terminally monofluorinated pentyl moiety: oxidative or hydrolytic mechanism?
V27 Helena Fels, Frank Musshoff, Matthias Graw, Don DeVol, Thomas Wagner, Anna Holzer, München, Erfurt, Dresden
Prevalence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) in hair and urine samples of individuals subject to drug testingin driving license regranting - a toxicological perspective
V28 Lea Wagmann, Juel Maalouli Schaar, Aline C. Vollmer, Markus R. Meyer, Homburg (Saar)
Blood drug concentrations in emergency toxicology: experiences with a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-based multi-analyte approach
V29 Lina Lucuta, Maren Mueller, Martin Juebner, Hilke Andresen-Streichert, Köln
Detectability of nitrate and nitrite in urine via "aquarium test stripes" and clinical test stripes. Possible qualitative detection of sodium nitrite intoxications?
V30 Julian Thimm, Tom Sundermann, Heidelberg
Phospholipid metabolites of GHB: validation of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the determination of phosphatidyl-GHB (16:0/18:1)
V31 Yannick Wartmann, Yasmin Schmid, Matthias Liechti, Thomas Kraemer, Andrea E. Steuer, Zürich (Schweiz)
Suberic acid as a new endogenous biomarker of CYP2D6 activity? Untargeted metabolomics in combination with in vitro metabolism studies
10:45 Uhr Kaffee-Pause / Coffee break
11:15 Uhr Vorträge: Alkohol, Fallberichte / Oral presentations: alcohol, case reports
V32 Josefine Herzog, Gisela Skopp, Frank Musshoff, München
Monitoring of phosphatidylethanol in dried blood spots and of EtG in hair over six months of alcohol consumption
V33 Lina Lucuta, Markus A. Rothschild, Martin Juebner, Köln
Blood methanol cencentrations after ingestion of large amounts of pears and its impact on the assessments of congener analyses
V34 Julian Bickel, Anne Szweczyk, Hilke Jungen, Alexander Müller, Nadine Aboutara, Jörg Teske, Ute Küpper, Hilde Andresen-Streichert, Benjamin Ondruschka, Stefanie Iwersen-Bergmann, Hamburg, Hannover, Essen KÖln
Investigations in Ecstasy toxicity - a method for separation and quantification of MDMA and MDA enantiomeres in hair and serum samples of tatal ecstasy intoxications
V35 Nadja Walle, Adrian A. Doerr, Peter H. Schmidt, Nadine Schaefer, Homburg (Saar)
One angel of death rarely comes alone - detection of cardiovascular medication in exhumed matrices
V36 Bea Schmidt, Johannes Manhart, Stefan Nigbur, Andreas Büttner, Rostock
The "???" from Rostock
V37 Christoph Luchte, Andrea Wiegard, Petra Schmoltzi, Matthias Heuermann, Katja Mercer-Cahlmers-Bender, Münster
Falsified medicine: the Bottrop case
V38 Daniela Wissenbach, Adelheid Löffler, Frank T. Peters, Jena
Let´s make a toxic cake
12:40 Uhr Schlusswort zum Symposium / Closing words
13:00 Uhr Tagungsende / End of the meeting
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Chromsystems Instruments & Chemicals
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nal von minden
Specialty Diagnostix
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fakultative kulturelle Angebote am Donnerstag, 30.März 2023 / Optional cultural activities on Thursday, March 30,2023
Ende der Führung: 12:45 Uhr an der Tourist Information
Ende: 19:45 Uhr