Professor David W Holt – 40 years of Drug Use and Abuse Symposium, 16.–17. April 2010 in London

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David W Holt – 40 years of Drug Use and Abuse

16th – 17th April 2010


The Analytical Unit, St George’s University of London, is pleased to be hosting a joint two day symposium with the London Toxicology Group. This symposium, in honour of Professor David W Holt, reflects his 40 year career path researching drug use and abuse, and includes many well known national and international speakers. We invite you to attend this prestigious event that we hope will prove to be as successful as Davids career!


Please follow the link below to download the registration form with full symposium programme, and for further details on hotels and transportation. We hope to attract a large number of delegates so book now to avoid missing out on the limited places and early-bird prices.

Organising Committee:

Prof Atholl Johnston, Susannah Davies, Jenny Button and Denise McKeown.

Telephone: +44 (0)208 725 5882

Facismile: +44 (0)208 767 9687

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